Carley Preston

Diversity Specialist


Carley Elizabeth Preston is The Rogue Theatre’s Diversity Specialist. In this capacity, her responsibilities are to

  • Research plays and playwrights that simultaneously fit the Rogue’s mission and lean toward inclusion of people of color, women, and other marginalized groups,

  • Meet with the director of each production to discuss any issues the play might present regarding people of color, women, and other marginalized groups,

  • Find ways to encourage people of color to attend our plays and auditions,

  • Participate in casting conversations to encourage color-neutral and gender-neutral casting where appropriate,

  • Stay current on social issues and how they relate to theatre,

  • Be available to discuss issues that may arise in rehearsal, casting, performance, or public relations.

Ms. Preston is also a member of the Resident Acting Ensemble. Her biography is here.


Click below to watch an interview with Carley!