Lifetime Rogues & Bequests


We are all keepers of the spirit of the theatre—from the artists who identify and articulate our core human impulses, to the administrators who make homes for art; from the trustees who secure those homes and create the bonds between artists and the larger community, to the audiences, without whom there can be nothing called theatre. Sometimes shouldering the responsibility for this most consistently endangered, ever-ephemeral endeavor can feel like carrying burning embers wrapped in leaves through a rainforest. If the necessary spark goes out, how will we light the fire around which we gather, night after night, place after place? That spark is what we have; it’s the art of the theatre, your theatre, any theatre. And so we carry and protect it, fan it to flame, watch it die down to a faint glow, wrap it up and carry it again, always hopeful, always together.
—from The Art of Theatre by Todd London

The Rogue Theatre is supported not only by ticket sales and grant funding, but also by contributors like yourself. We are incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so any financial contributions you make are tax-exempt to the fullest extent allowable by the IRS. Please consider becoming a donor contributing to the rich cultural life of Tucson!

Click here to find out how to donate.

The Rogue is now able to take gifts of stocks and securities. Please e-mail Cynthia Meier for information on how to make such a gift.

Lifetime Rogues

Cumulative Gifts of $300,000 or more

Norma Davenport

Cumulative Gifts of $100,000–$299,999

John & Joyce Ambruster
Arizona Commission on the Arts
Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona
Dr. Philip C. Keller & Claire Sneed
Marianne Leedy
David & Norma Lewis Foundation
Cynthia Meier & Thomas Wentzel
Andy & Cammie Watson

Cumulative Gifts of $50,000–$99,999

Peter Bleasby
Shawn Burke
Karen DeLay & Bill Sandel
Dr. Thomas & Karinn Hamill Rothe
Todd Hansen
John & Patricia Hemann
Peter & Meg Hovell
Sally Krusing
Kristina L. Lewis
Paul Winick & Ronda Lustman
Bill & Carol Mangold
Barbara Martinsons & Larry Boutis
Patricia Morgan & Peter Salomon
The Shubert Foundation
Ward & Judith Wallingford


The following dedicated individuals have notified us that they have made a
commitment to The Rogue Theatre through a charitable bequest:

Ted & Celia Brandt
Norma Davenport
Nancy & Robert Eshrich
Gary & Harriet Fielding
Jay Hornbacher
Margaret Houghton
Katherine & Arthur Jacobson
Kristi Lewis
Jan Linn
Cheryl Lockhart
Mona Mizell
Nancy Peterson
Suzanne Barksdale Rice
Nancy Sellers
Ronald Staub
Ward Wallingford

We are grateful to the following individuals who have made a
charitable bequest to The Rogue:

Lonny Baker
Dan Gilmore
Pearl Joseph
Dr. Philip C. Keller
Audrey Lumsden Kouvel
David S. Lewis
Dr. William Mangold
Kathleen McGrath
Herbert C. Ploch

If you would like to make a gift to The Rogue through a bequest, please contact Cynthia Meier.

Page updated January 14, 2025